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We provide training on legal and regulatory stuff.  As much or as little as you need.  We can train you or your staff about anything you want to know about.  You tell us what you want and we'll deliver bespoke training.


The topics that our clients typically want training to be provided on include:


  • Contract Law - basics (how contracts are formed, key legal and commercial terms, things to look out for etc)


  • Contract Law - advanced (reviews/analysis of specific clauses, such as limitation/exclusion clauses) 


  • Consumer Rights Act


  • GDPR/Data Protection Law


  • Miscellaneous regulatory/compliance issues, such as the Bribery Act and Modern Slavery Act requirements


As stated, we can cover whatever you want, the way you want it.  In the pre-Coronavirus world, we would usually come to your premises (as that suits most clients) but we also offered training off-site - these days, we will provide the training remotely (e.g. via Microsoft Teams).  We don't charge by the person attending, either.  You can have as many people attending as you like, all for the same price.


In our experience, though, smaller groups tend to work better as people feel more able to ask questions and the sessions are more interactive, which also makes them more interesting and people therefore tend to get more out of them.  You know how it is; we've all sat in boring seminars.  Isn't it so much better when people get engaged?!


We do our best to make the subject matter (and our delivery of it) as interesting as possible.  Which - when you're talking about law, contracts and regulations - is no mean feat!

Commercially Legal Limited.  A company registered in England and Wales.  Company number 8159500.

Registered Office: 30 Birkenhead Road | Hoylake | Wirral | CH47 3BW | UK

VAT number: 175 0265 16.


Privacy Policy



Commercially Legal  Limited is not a law firm and is not regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

No staff of the company are practising solicitors.  Staff who are solicitors are non-practising solicitors.

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